Additional BB QR readers - VIII - Upcode
Additional BB QR readers - VII - Lynkee
Additional BB QR readers - VI - Code Muncher
Additional BB QR readers V - Mobiletag
Further ScanLife - ScanLife
Additional BB QR readers - IV - i-nigma
Additional BB QR readers - III - Barcode Assistant
Additional BB QR readers - II - Deco, CertainTeed
Additional BB QR readers - BeeTagg, AT&T Code Scanner
BB QR Code Scanner Pro - BB QR Code Scanner Pro
Barcode Happiness - I - barcoo
No luck - Upcode
Misc update (BB/2D barcodes) - Mobiletag (also updated above)
BB & 2D barcodes - NeoReader, Microsoft Tag, ScanLife
Another QR reader for the BB (tested on a Torch) is WiMO... Downloaded and tested...

Worked fine when tested on a variety of 'url' QR codes e.g. see below (Note: the Bordeaux site that the QR code takes you to isn't mobile friendly, so a 'fail' there!). This software does take a photo and then attempts to decode it...

No luck with a few tries on 'sms' QR codes, none of them would read...

No apparent luck on 'free text' QR codes... The software appeared to read the code, but launched a blank browser session. However, when I looked in History, it appeared that it actually read the QR code, but just didn't know what to do with the output!!
The bottom line? This software works fine if all you are interested in is reading 'url' style QR code...A reader with basic capabilities only, not quite ready for prime time!
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