Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Random picture
Saturday, September 26, 2009
UNSC Resolution 1887
This blogger agrees that the resolution was a very positive step. However, he does not see it either as an amazing achievement, nor as a particularly huge or irrevocable step towards disarmament., and would caution against letting any of the apparent euphoria related to this resolution detract from the serious work yet remaining .. But what about the unanimous agreement? Well, that was both an artefact of the how the resolution was written - with sufficient ambiguity to allow states with differing viewpoints to agree on the formulation - as well as the fact that the document did not seriously bind the permanent members to change their existing actions or positions. A few examples to consider:
Section 19 "Encourages States to consider whether a recipient State has signed and ratified an additional protocol based on the model additional protocol in making nuclear export decisions;" Note the use of "encourages." By using this "softer" term (rather than, say, "requires") Russia can both agree to the resolution and still have the latitude to proceed with supporting Iran's reactor at Bushehr... Similarly, Section 8 which covers the negotiation of a treaty to ban the production of fissile material, "requests all Member States to cooperate in guiding the Conference to an early commencement of Substantive work" (note "requests.")
Bottom line: while an important step, the achievement of unanimity for Resolution 1887 is more due to its artful composition than to President Obama somehow having convinced by force of argument Russia, China, etc. to change or moderate their positions... The progress achieved here is real, but much, much more work remains to be done!
President Barack Obama, United States of America
President Óscar Arias Sánchez, Republic of Costa Rica
President Stjepan Mesic, Republic of Croatia
President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Russian Federation
President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, United Mexican States
President Heinz Fischer, Republic of Austria
President Nguyen Minh Triet, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Republic of Uganda
President Hu Jintao, People’s Republic of China
President Nicolas Sarkozy, France
President Blaise Compaoré, Burkina Faso
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Japan
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Republic of Turkey
Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham, Permanent Representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The links:
UN Security Council adopts resolution on nuclear safeguards
White House Fact Sheet on UN Security Council Resolution 1887
Text of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887
India strongly reacts to UNSC resolution on NPT.
U.S.: UN resolution on NPT not directed against India
Ouch! French President Sarkozy slams ‘naive’ Obama for living in 'virtual world’ on Iran
Obama's Nuclear Victory
Building a world without nukes
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection
Unintended consequences...
- The recent fuss over ACORN (see here, here, and here) led to a mass stampede in the House and Senate, where overwhelming majorities (Senate: 83-7; House 345-75) voted to "defund" the group. Now, apparently, in their haste to do this (some to score political points, others to inoculate themselves against possible 'contagion' from erstwhile friends) the law they passed which calls for the denial of government contracts to entities that have "filed a fraudulent form with any Federal or State regulatory agency" may affect any number of large defense contractors, see: Salon Radio: Rep. Alan Grayson on de-funding corrupt defense contractors
- Another recent example involves the recent change in Massachusetts, with the Democratic-majority legislature giving Governor Deval Patrick the authority to appoint a replacement to the Senate seat previously held by Senator Edward Kennedy. This was "necessary" as an unintended consequence of the last time they monkeyed with the replacement process...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Great quotes
"Within three to five years, we can assume that Iran will become autonomous in its ability to develop and produce a nuclear bomb… (The nuclear threat) must be uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.” - Benjamin Netanyahu
"Is [Iran’s nuclear program] a problem today? Probably not. But three, four, five years from now it could be a serious problem." - Bob Gates
All quotes from 1992, see How to Keep Iran in Check Without War
Random chart
UMID - yet another comparison
Both sides of their mouths...
Thursday, September 24th: President Obama chairs a Security Council session that unanimously adopts a "historical resolution" (per the President). Looking at the resolution, after all the "resolving," "reaffirming," "recalling," "bearing in mind," "calling for," "gravely concerned," etc., etc. we get to #4 "Calls upon all States that are not Parties to the NPT to accede to the Treaty as non-nuclear weapon States so as to achieve its universality at an rearly date, and pending their accession to the Treaty, to adhere to its terms."
Which is it?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Health care re-form XI (Sales job)
- Health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages, and thus have accounted for an increasing share of family budgets.
- This premium growth has also largely outpaced inflation.
- "Consumers ultimately bear the brunt of costs as increases in hospital, physician, drug, and health plan spending are all passed down the value chain to American families, employers, and the government who pay the bills."
- Health insurance premiums are highly variable across the country, and premium growth also has been highly variable... "... These differences lead to significant inequity for families and businesses..."
- There is a discussion re "unjustified premium growth," the need to make sure "that insurance companies are not unfairly or excessively increasing their premiums."
Bottom line, this report is at best a sales brochure. True, it is full of facts and they are all correct, but without additional information, analysis, and context, might be said to be (pace Shakespeare's Macbeth) "...full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.”
Previous entries on hospitals & health care:
Health care re-form X (Cowardice) - Sep 13th, 2009
Tempest in a teapot - Sep 5th, 2009
That explains it... (death panels) - Sep 1st, 2009
Health care re-form IX (Apologies due) - Aug 30th, 2009
Health care re-form VIII (More nonsense) - Aug 28th, 2009
Health care re-form VII (Nonsense) - Aug 26th, 2009
Health care re-form VI (Effectiveness) - Aug 15th, 2009
Health care re-form V (The sales job) - Aug 14th, 2009
Health care re-form IV (What is it?) - Aug 13th, 2009
Health care re-form III (Why we spend more) - Aug 8th, 2009
Health care re-form II (P4P) - Aug 4th, 2009
Health care re-form I (Issues) - Aug 4th, 2009
So? - Jul 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jul 12th, 2009
Random charts... - May 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - May 9th, 2009
Wyeth v. Levine - Mar 22nd, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - III - Mar 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - Feb 1st, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - II - Jan 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jan 26th, 2009
Hospitals' financial update - Dec 25th, 2008
Good for the goose - Dec 11th, 2008
Studies of intererst - IV - Nov 16th, 2008
Studies of interest - II - Nov 16th, 2008
Financial crisis & hospitals - I - Nov 14th, 2008
Random chart
Most of the health insurance reform proposals include a requirement that everyone carry health insurance (to maximize participation in the risk pool), with fines and penalties for those who attempt to evade this requirement. At present legislation proposed by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) proposes a $750 penalty for individuals and a $1,900 penalty for families, when incomes are over 300% of the federal poverty level. These represent a reduction from his original proposals, reduced in light of criticism from other Democrats that his proposed penalties were too high.
This blogger hasn't found any further explanation of how these penalties are to be administered or assessed. Are they a one-time assessment, an annual assessment, or a penalty that is levied in addition to the individual or family being required to buy a policy? One hopes that it is the latter and not the former, otherwise these penalties are set too low... and someone in good health who was willing to take the risk would find it cheaper to pay the penalty than to sign up!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Mintpass Mintpad second look
This mini device has 802.11b/g WiFi, a 1.3 megapixel camera (also takes movies), speaker, earphone, microphone, and a 900 mAh lithium ion battery. Connect to your desktop's USB port via the cable provided (note: the end at the Mintpad does not look 'standard') and it charges, and is seen from the desktop as another drive (allowing for the manual transfers of files).
Below are some pictures to give an idea of the size, followed by a quick video showing some of the functionality (sorry for the poor quality!)...
Mintpass' Mintpad page
mintpass mintpad (Another iriver news? Kinda)
First impressions of the mintpass mintpad
Review of the Mintpass Mintpad MID / PDA / MP3 Player
Mintpad MP3 player review (CNET review)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Great quote (?)
“They spend a lot of money, even in places where they don’t have congregations, they build mosques, they build hospitals, they build anything... They come to Africans and say, ‘Christianity is asking you to marry only one wife. We will give you four!’ ... That is the type of evangelism they are doing: mass-production, so if you have four wives, four children, sixteen children, very soon you will be a village.” - Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Anglican Primate of Nigeria, during a sermon arguing that Africa is under attack from Islam.
Muslims mass-producing children to take over Africa, says Archbishop
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Random picture
L'épandage frappe les esprits: « Le lait est pur et sacré »
« Il a fallu attendre de voir l'épandage en Belgique pour que le journal télévisé parle de nous, ils veulent des images, ils vont en avoir », prévient le président de l'APLI, l'Association des producteurs de lait indépendants. Des images qui frappent les esprits, car le lait a « quelque chose de virginal dans sa blancheur, il est pur et sacré », explique le psychanalyste Serge Hefez. Et d'ajouter :
« Les urbains se disent que ces paysans doivent être au bout du désespoir pour jeter ce qui les fait vivre. Le rapport à l'animal lors de la traite est très affectif. C'est comme si ce lait faisait partie d'eux, jaillissait du corps-même de l'agriculteur ou de l'agricultrice. »
Il y a bien quelque chose de plus lorsque l'on voit un agriculteur jeter son lait que quand ils jetaient des tomates. Et ils en ont conscience. Mais pour Pascal Massol, président de l'APLI :
« C'est plus dangereux de livrer le lait que de le jeter : si je le livre il est séché pour faire de la poudre, il part sous le prix de revient (32 centimes le litre). On veut bien être garant de la ruralité, mais ça va finir en jacquerie. Il y a déjà eu quatre suicides la semaine dernière dans le Finistère, il faut le faire savoir. »
« Le lait vous nourrit mais plus nous »
Pour Pascal Massol : « C'est simple : si on ne jette pas on est mort, le lait vous nourrit mais plus nous ! » Comme le montre ce reportage sur un producteur de Maine-et-Loire :
"City dwellers say that these peasants must be at the end of despair to throw away what makes them live. The rapport with the animal during milking is very emotional. It is as if the milk was among them, sprang from the body itself of the farmer."
There is a bigger impact when we see a farmer dumping her milk as opposed to when they dump tomatoes. And they know it. Pascal Massol, president of APLI says:
"It's more dangerous to deliver the milk than to throw it away. If I deliver it, it is dried to make milk powder, and is sold under the cost price (32 cents a liter). Ww want to guarantee rural life, but it will end in jacquerie. There were four suicides last week in Brittany, you need to know. "
"Milk nourishes you but us no longer"
Read the rest here...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Random pictures
Random chart
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Random pictures...
Ballots from the Afghan presidential elections. See "On a volé les élections aux Afghans"
Health care re-form X (Cowardice)
This blogger is not impressed by the position being taken by the Democrats and the Obama administration, and by the efforts they are expending to try to appear as "tough" as the Republicans with respect to the treatment of illegal immigrants... If (economically, morally, etc.) it makes sense to have everyone covered by insurance, and that it a good idea to subsidize a certain portion of the population to ensure that this happens, then what reason is there for not covering this subset? If insurance coverage is supposed to lead to preventative care that will bring down overall costs (e.g. by reducing the use of the nation's emergency rooms for primary care, etc.) then how does legal status effect the economic argument? What sense does it make to 'cut off our nose to spite our face' to make sure that the undocumented do not 'benefit?' This is stupidity, and, dare we say it, cowardice, on the part of the administration...
The House Bill Does Cover Illegals
Obama’s Health Care Speech (factcheck.org)
Baucus, Conrad Cave To Joe Wilson On Health Care Bill
House Progressive Whacks Conrad and Baucus for Appeasing Heckler
Illegal Immigrants Could Not Buy Insurance on New ‘Exchange,’ White House Says
Previous entries on hospitals & health care:
Tempest in a teapot - Sep 5th, 2009
That explains it... (death panels) - Sep 1st, 2009
Health care re-form IX (Apologies due) - Aug 30th, 2009
Health care re-form VIII (More nonsense) - Aug 28th, 2009
Health care re-form VII (Nonsense) - Aug 26th, 2009
Health care re-form VI (Effectiveness) - Aug 15th, 2009
Health care re-form V (The sales job) - Aug 14th, 2009
Health care re-form IV (What is it?) - Aug 13th, 2009
Health care re-form III (Why we spend more) - Aug 8th, 2009
Health care re-form II (P4P) - Aug 4th, 2009
Health care re-form I (Issues) - Aug 4th, 2009
So? - Jul 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jul 12th, 2009
Random charts... - May 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - May 9th, 2009
Wyeth v. Levine - Mar 22nd, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - III - Mar 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - Feb 1st, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - II - Jan 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jan 26th, 2009
Hospitals' financial update - Dec 25th, 2008
Good for the goose - Dec 11th, 2008
Studies of intererst - IV - Nov 16th, 2008
Studies of interest - II - Nov 16th, 2008
Financial crisis & hospitals - I - Nov 14th, 2008
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Great quotes
- One of 50 official Chinese slogans for national day. This October 1st will mark the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, see here.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Great quotes...
Republican denouncing President Obama's speech to schoolchildren? Nope, Majority leader Dick Gephardt denouncing President George H.W. Bush's similar speech, in 1991... Equally silly, though this time it seems to have stepped up a notch by fussing before the speech, and by children being pulled as/if their parents objected!
The Obama School Speech Debate
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Random picture...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Random picture...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Campaign (corporate) financing
However, rather than deciding the narrow case, the justices scheduled arguments for hearing "whether the law itself raised constitutional questions and it said it would reexamine a 1990 decision that said restricting corporations from spending money from their general treasuries to support or oppose political candidates did not violate constitutional guarantees of free speech." A number of people are concerned that the justices will take advantage of this opportunity to overturn the ban on direct corporate contributions to political campaigns.
Justices to Review Campaign Finance Law Constraints
A test case for Roberts
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission at SCOTUSBlog
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission at Scotuswiki
A hot topic in the news is campaign finance reform. The McCain-Feingold-Cochrane Campaign Finance Reform Bill - Senate S27, has passed the Senate, while the Shays-Meehan Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act - House HR 2356 - passed the House in February. Both these bills aim to regulate campaign financing by eliminating 'soft money' donations, and imposing other restrictions.
Since Shays-Meehan is slightly different from the Senate version discussions are back in the Senate. Senator Daschle has vowed to get it through the Senate by 3/25, Republicans (led by Mitch McConnell, R-KY) are resisting and threatening a filibuster.
The passage of these bills was helped by revelations of Enron's massive political contributions, even though these paled in comparison to union contributions - In the 2001-2002 election cycle Enron ranked 33rd in soft money contributions, while in the 1999-2000 election cycle it ranked 15th in soft money contributions. (The AFSCME was on top in both of these cycles, the SEIU was once second and once third in the rankings, while the CWA was 6th in both cycles.)
Instead of fighting the "villain du jour" (today it is soft money, a few years ago it was Political Action Committees...) with restrictive and constitutionally questionable laws, we should ease restrictions on campaign financing but subject all financing to the light of day, a sort of Regulation FD for the political industry. The following is a suggested outline for a campaign reform system:
- Raise hard money contribution limits to $20,000 per donor per phase of the election cycle (i.e. a donor could contribute up to $20,000 in the primary, and then $20,000 in the general election).
- Cap soft money contributions at $100,000 per person or $500,000 per organization per phase of the election cycle. Thus the total amount of money an individual may contribute in aggregate would be $240,000 in a single year. There would be no exclusion for self-financed campaigns.
- Every candidate would need to have a web site listing every contribution received with donor information. This would be the name and state of every individual donor, and the name of every organization (with industry classification and membership information, so that an organization can not be used as a front to avoid disclosing donors' names). Information for every contribution would have to be available on the web site within 24 hours of depositing donor checks. The web sites would be standardized so that they would be identical for all candidates, and would be indexed and searchable by amount, donor, state, organization, industry, etc. With immediate full disclosure, all sources of campaign funding would be fully transparent and available to interested individuals, the media, and the politicians' opponents (potentially to be used as a campaign issue...) To ensure compliance with the listing requirements, every infraction (no matter how small) would result in a $500,000 fine payable within 2 weeks. If the politician could not pay the fine within the deadline then he/she would be stricken from the poll.
- All contributions to any post-election 'transition' activities and celebrations would be banned. While contributions to candidates can be considered 'at risk', contributions to the person who has won the election are more likely to be made to ensure 'access'. Being post-election this ban should avoid 'free speech' constitutionality problems.
War and violent death
It seems that periodically this comes up and the country indulges in a paroxysm of back and forth and recriminations between the two sides and their opposite and opposing viewpoints. This blogger firmly comes down in the "let's show it all" camp... Below is a reprint of a March 2003 oped penned by this blogger supporting this viewpoint...
Robert Gates protests AP decision as 'appalling'
War’s Painful Imagery
The dying marine: What the hell was the AP thinking?
After Further Review: The AP Photo Controversy
Unseen Pictures, Untold Stories
OPED35The reality of war (reprint from 03/23/2003)
- The Ugly Face (Truth) of War: The footage of the dead was uniformly denounced as 'disgusting.' On ABC Charlie Gibson said "showing dead bodies is disrespectful." This author would disagree... While showing dead bodies is unsettling and difficult (most especially for those that have loved ones at risk in the area of conflict), this is precisely why it is important to not hide this aspect of war. Death, especially before one's time and through violence, is ugly. But since death is an integral part and unavoidable consequence of every war, those who have the responsibility for making the decision to go to war as well as those who support them and the decision, must know and understand the consequences of what they call for. (Note: this includes the author, who laid out a blueprint for military action against Iraq in OPED29 and OPED30, notwithstanding the sick humor of OPED33.) War is not antiseptic and showing it as such, like a 'shoot-em-up' computer game with nifty diagrams, cool equipment, great technology, etc. is to show disrespect to those who have to slog (and occasionally die) in the mud and the dirt. Initially, at the start of the war many network correspondents seemed annoyed that the "shock and awe" they had been awaiting had not happened, and then when the heavier bombardment started the reaction was almost universally one of 'hey, cool, check out those big explosions'... From their hotel rooms they beamed pictures of bright flashes into our living rooms, studiously ignoring the fact that the result of those flashes was death for those on the receiving end. While unfortunate and necessary to free Iraq of Saddam Hussein and his regime, ignoring the reality of those deaths is doing no one any favors.... The pictures above have been 'borrowed' from the sources linked to above. The first is a recent, horrible, photo of a small girl killed in her home in Basra (in the southern no-fly zone) by an errant missile. This is what is swept under the rug, antisepticised as "collateral damage." The second picture is from the first Gulf War. Every one who supports the war needs to go to The Unseen Gulf War by Peter Turnley to view the reality of war. While it may not change one's mind about the need for the present action (e.g. as with this author) at least one knows more directly some of the true costs....
- The Role of the Media: Many TV anchors and war correspondents have not distinguished themselves by their reporting or understanding of the war, content to regurgitate official communiques and listen in awe to the retired generals they have lined up as experts, rather than do real reporting... Some examples where they have not distinguished themselves:
- With reference to the above-mentioned Iraqi / Al Jazeera footage of U.S. prisoners, the very showing of pictures was denounced by the administration as a violation of the Geneva conventions - SecDef Rumsfeld said that showing photographs of prisoners of war is against the Geneva Convention and termed it as "..a grotesque and sick display..", General Myers termed it "..just one more crime by the Iraqi regime.." The TV anchors went beyond reporting the news to vying with each other to express their outrage - a Fox commentator said that "..this proves this is an evil regime..", another said "... what can you do about the Geneva Convention, Iraq doesn't follow it...", Tony Snow denounced it as ".. a grotesque violation of the Geneva Convention..", ABC's Charlie Gibson expressed his shock, etc. Their 'shock', 'shock' was curious, given that these same channels had broadcast footage of Iraqi POWs. While following coverage on ABC, MSNBC, Fox, CNN, etc. this author had seen at least four TV reports dealing with Iraqi POWs. In one the embedded reporter showed four Iraqi POWs - they were on the ground approximately six feet apart and the reporter and camera went from one to the next filming them. A running commentary from the reporter pointed out that the first had a bottle of water he had been given, that the second had taken off his shoes and put them on the ground behind him as he attempted to sleep, that the third was seated under a blanket, etc. As the reporter squatted and pointed out a packet of MREs that the third POW had been given (even picking it up for the camera to show) the POW's face was clearly visible. In another the embedded reporter showed a number of POWs being processed - a line of them were lying face down on the ground, the reporter pointed out their arms restrained behind them, tied at the wrists with plastic restraints.. They were being processed, searched, and then put on a truck to be taken to a holding area. While clearly the motivations were different - the Iraqis cynically seeking propaganda value in the Arab "street," the embedded reporters just reporting how things are going with 'their' units - if merely showing the POWs is a violation of the Geneva Convention then the "outrage," "shock," and "disgust" expressed by the TV anchors is strange given the film they have shown. Less excited than the TV anchors, when asked about this President Bush was on the money, insisting that any POWs should be humanely treated.
- With many in the United States and across the world seemingly unconvinced of the evil of the Saddam Hussein regime and the need to end it, ABC's Charlie Gibson felt compelled to say ".. in the pantheon of dreadful things done by this regime, showing the faces of American dead ranks right up there..." With this fatuous statement he successfully trivialized Saddam's evil - as if some TV footage is as bad as Saddam impoverishing his country through a decade of war, using chemical weapons against the Iranians and the Kurds, having tens or hundreds of thousands of his countrymen killed, invading his neighbors, having the southern marshes drained, having people tortured with electric shocks and vats of acids, supporting international terrorism, and seeking to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons!!
- A reporter in Baghdad breathlessly marveled at the fact that the power was still on and the city lit up... While OPED30 had called for the civilian infrastructure to be spared as much as possible, the electricity could be left on at the moment not just out of a concern with the civilians, but also because it can help with ongoing bomb damage assessment...
- One reporter who has done a great job of reporting has been ABC's Ted Koppel... Besides his insightful reporting, when Charlie Gibson was in the midst of his paroxysm of horror at the showing of dead bodies, Koppel felt compelled to remind him that ABC had shown dead (both American and foreign....) on multiple occasions. Later in the evening Koppel interviewed an officer about an engagement in which U.S. troops had evaded an ambush and destroyed the attacking force. At the end of this reportage Koppel showed a close up of two of the dead Iraqi soldiers, close enough to see the flies on the body..... No sugar-coating or pap here...
Some on-line sites: Kiva - MicroPlace - MyC4 - 51Give - Wokai - UYDO
Sunday, September 6, 2009
UMID M1 - another comparison
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Intl Vulture Awareness Day
Photo Gallery of 10 Vulture Species — International Vulture Awareness Day!
Blog entries mentioning vultures:
Misc updates: vultures needed - Jul 26th, 2009
Science and side effects... - Oct 29th, 2008
Tempest in a tea pot
- Remove the legal obstacles that slow the creation of high-deductible health insurance plans and health savings accounts (HSAs). The combination of high-deductible health insurance and HSAs is one solution that could solve many of our health-care problems. For example, Whole Foods Market pays 100% of the premiums for all our team members who work 30 hours or more per week (about 89% of all team members) for our high-deductible health-insurance plan. We also provide up to $1,800 per year in additional health-care dollars through deposits into employees' Personal Wellness Accounts to spend as they choose on their own health and wellness. Money not spent in one year rolls over to the next and grows over time. Our team members therefore spend their own health-care dollars until the annual deductible is covered (about $2,500) and the insurance plan kicks in. This creates incentives to spend the first $2,500 more carefully. Our plan's costs are much lower than typical health insurance, while providing a very high degree of worker satisfaction.
- Equalize the tax laws so that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have the same tax benefits. Now employer health insurance benefits are fully tax deductible, but individual health insurance is not. This is unfair.
- Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. We should all have the legal right to purchase health insurance from any insurance company in any state and we should be able use that insurance wherever we live. Health insurance should be portable.
- Repeal government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover. These mandates have increased the cost of health insurance by billions of dollars. What is insured and what is not insured should be determined by individual customer preferences and not through special-interest lobbying.
- Enact tort reform to end the ruinous lawsuits that force doctors to pay insurance costs of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. These costs are passed back to us through much higher prices for health care.
- Make costs transparent so that consumers understand what health-care treatments cost. How many people know the total cost of their last doctor's visit and how that total breaks down? What other goods or services do we buy without knowing how much they will cost us?
- Enact Medicare reform. We need to face up to the actuarial fact that Medicare is heading towards bankruptcy and enact reforms that create greater patient empowerment, choice and responsibility.
- Finally, revise tax forms to make it easier for individuals to make a voluntary, tax-deductible donation to help the millions of people who have no insurance and aren't covered by Medicare, Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program.
Read 'The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare: Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit" for the entire piece.
Quick side notes: The board of Whole Foods really should severely chastise or even get rid of Mackey. Having an opinion one way or another is OK, but for the CEO of a public company to take a public position on a critical, political issue (not directly related to the company) that risks hurting the company... well, that is a breach of his fiduciary duty that is unacceptable. There should be consequences. As for those unhappy with Mackey's editorial, starting boycotts is really not the answer. Even were this to hurt Whole Foods' (e.g. by reducing sales) it would probably only be felt by the cashiers, shelf stockers, and other employees, and would not affect the object of their ire...
Previous entries on hospitals & health care:
That explains it... (death panels) - Sep 1st, 2009
Health care re-form IX (Apologies due) - Aug 30th, 2009
Health care re-form VIII (More nonsense) - Aug 28th, 2009
Health care re-form VII (Nonsense) - Aug 26th, 2009
Health care re-form VI (Effectiveness) - Aug 15th, 2009
Health care re-form V (The sales job) - Aug 14th, 2009
Health care re-form IV (What is it?) - Aug 13th, 2009
Health care re-form III (Why we spend more) - Aug 8th, 2009
Health care re-form II (P4P) - Aug 4th, 2009
Health care re-form I (Issues) - Aug 4th, 2009
So? - Jul 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jul 12th, 2009
Random charts... - May 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - May 9th, 2009
Wyeth v. Levine - Mar 22nd, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - III - Mar 22nd, 2009
Random chart... - Feb 1st, 2009
Financial crisis & hospitals - II - Jan 27th, 2009
Random chart... - Jan 26th, 2009
Hospitals' financial update - Dec 25th, 2008
Good for the goose - Dec 11th, 2008
Studies of interest - IV - Nov 16th, 2008
Studies of interest - II - Nov 16th, 2008
Financial crisis & hospitals - I - Nov 14th, 2008