This blogger wonders why some officials feel the need to exaggerate, or sometimes even make up out of whole cloth, bad acts by bad individuals...
So, for example, what was the need for the fiction that Osama bin Laden pushed his wife in front of him to act as a human shield when confronted by Seal Team 6 in Abbotabad? Why did officials feel they had to make up a final despicable act to attribute to bin Laden ('hey, look, big guy hiding behind his wife, what a tool')? Was he not already sufficiently despicable via his responsibility for the deaths of thousands of innocents? What exactly was to be gained by this nonsense? One wonders...
Similarly, in the recent terror incident in Boston, the Waterton police chief's account of the confrontation with the Tsarnaev brothers appears to have an exaggeration. Reading it one would believe that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been apprehended and was in good shape when the perfidious younger brother drove over him, dragged his body down the street, causing his death... ('My God, what a monster, he killed his own brother') This doesn't quite square with the word from the hospital - "... Dr. David Schoenfeld said 26-year-old
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was unconscious and had so many penetrating wounds
when he arrived at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center early Friday
that it isn't clear which ones killed him, and a medical examiner will
have to determine the cause of death..." So, isn't Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sufficiently despicable for...oh... setting off bombs that killed innocents, killing a police officer, car-jacking, etc.? Do we need to add 'running over his brother' to the tally of despicable acts to 'prove' that he is a bad actor and despicable person? Again, one wonders...
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick also got into the act, relating what is seen on video footage - "... It does seem to be pretty clear that this
suspect took the backpack off, put it down, did not react when the first
explosion went off and then moved away from the backpack in time for
the second explosion. It's pretty clear about his
involvement and pretty chilling, frankly." Chilling video... Indeed, Patrick well might have found the video chilling... had he actually seen it ("... Patrick said he hadn't viewed the videotape but had been briefed by law enforcement officials about it...") Oh well, guess he felt he had to say something...