Monday, February 16, 2009
Four years on...
Remembering the Hariri blast
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Random thoughts...
One problem with this and much other discussion on this topic is the unstated but implied notions that these are completely two separate groups, and that the shareholders who own bank shares are responsible for the current state of affairs and don't deserve 'bailing out.' Unfortunately, all (millions if not tens of millions, via ownership of mutual funds, 'direct' and via pension funds) of these shareholders are tax-payers and most are not the "fat cats' that excite popular outrage... Politicians can posture re saving taxpayers at the expense of shareholders with relative impunity, because most people think of themselves as 'taxpayers' rather than as 'shareholders,' even though they are both.
OK, so consider taxpayer Suzy Q. Public. Every day she hears from the politicians the false dichotomy - the government needs to pour billions into these institutions to make them whole, and to protect SQP the shareholders need to "take a haircut" (because otherwise they would be given a huge handout). Well, post haircut the value of SQP's wealth and retirement funds are reduced, and even if the banks eventually pay back the entirety of the loans they received plus interest, SQP is unlikely to see one penny of this money. On the other hand, without the haircut the value of SQP's retirement increases as the financial institutions recover... (Note: we are assuming for both scenarios that the government bailout succeeds in turning the economy around) Why does it have to be an either/or (shareholders win vs. taxpayers win) rather than sum-sum?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Random chart...
Darwin Debated: Religion vs. Evolution
The Social and Legal Dimensions of the Evolution Debate in the U.S.)
An excellent resource: The Debate over Evolution
Thursday, February 12, 2009
- Italian president Silvio Berlusconi, opining (if you can call it that) on whether patient Eluana Englaro, 38, who has been in a coma ever since a car accident 17 years ago should be allowed to die or not.
Italian coma patient Eluana dies
Italy Debates the Right to Die
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Great quotes...
Random chart
Rhetorical questions...
OK, so this blogger doesn't quite understand the purpose here. Supposedly this will be done because "Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any nonemergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House Web site for five days." Hmm, isn't the legislation already passed by Congress at this point? So the only choices are that the President signs the legislation if in agreement, or he vetoes it if in disagreement. (Note: yes, yes, this blogger knows that the President can fail to sign a bill and it will become law automatically ten working days after passage; or he can also do a "pocket veto").
Exactly what are the chances that President Obama will veto a bill he favors just because sentiment and comments run against it? Or that he will sign a bill that he is against, this time because comments and sentiment run in its favor? Answer: nil! If the President favors a bill he can quote approving comments, and when he disfavors a bill he can ignore the feedback. What exactly has anyone gained here other than an opportunity for some "feel-goodism?"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Iraq election analysis, hah!
Better charts...
Monday, February 9, 2009
Random charts...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Random chart...
Friday, February 6, 2009
The high and mighty...
From 'GOP Opposes Pay Limits On Bailed-Out Bankers.'
"One House Democratic aide quipped that bankers should be required to jump through some of the same hoops that welfare recipients are, beyond a simple salary cap. He suggested making bankers fulfill a strict work requirement and submit a time sheet, signed by a supervisor -- perhaps the Board of Directors -- in 15-minute intervals, proving that they worked 40 hours each week. Only certain activities would count, as is the case with TANF recipients.
"That three hour jet ride to get to the meeting in Chicago doesn't count. Reading the Wall Street Journal is also not a countable activity. If they fail to do this once, you cut them off of TARP funds. If they fudge the time sheet, you charge them with TARP fraud and make them pay back any government money they've received," the aide joked. "I'm sensing a legislative opportunity."
OK, the point that we have different rules for the poor and for the rich is absolutely on point and inexcusable. Of course, the weak point to this argument is that it wasn't the Wall Street types (or even just the Republicans) that brought about this state of affairs, it was the politicians of both parties. But, as per usual, the trick is to denounce these harsh rules as if they just came into being by themselves i.e. take no responsibility.
This blogger believes that it would be a good idea to extend this to the political class that runs this country, and who arguably bear as much, if not more, responsibility for the sad state of affairs as the reviled bankers... How about our representatives and senators also having to fulfill a strict work requirement, proving documentation of their workload. Only certain activities would count! Fund raising, limousine rides, self-congratulatory speeches, scratching another pol's back, engaging in quid pro quos, etc. would not be countable activities. If they engage in any of these or similarly proscribed activities they can be charged with fraud and made to pay back all government money they have received (i.e. their salaries). After all, what's good for the goose...
Iraq provincial elections - II
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sri Lanka: Gov v. LTTE
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A lire
Jakob Kellenberger, président du CICR, n’a pas vraiment le profil type du participant au World Economic Forum.
A Davos, la crise financière a clairement éclipsé les crises humanitaires. «Je viens ici d’abord pour rencontrer des représentants de gouvernements partenaires ou de pays où nous avons des opérations importantes.»
Il a donc enchaîné les rendez-vous avec le président colombien Uribe, le premier ministre du Pakistan Gilani, le ministre des Affaires étrangères suédois Carl Bildt, ou encore le vice-président de la commission de l’Union européenne pour ne citer qu’eux. Au menu de ses discussions, les otages et prisonniers, les migrations mais aussi la question de Gaza, sujet de débats explosifs au WEF.
«La question humanitaire ne doit pas servir à évacuer les vraies questions. Combien de morts faudra-t-il encore?» lance-t-il en insistant sur le contexte exceptionnel de la dernière intervention militaire à Gaza.
– Vous vous êtes rendu à Gaza pendant l’intervention israélienne et avez fait des déclarations fortes en parlant de catastrophe humanitaire extrême qui tranchent avec la modération habituelle du CICR. Israël a-t-il franchi un pas (seuil) dans cette intervention?
D’abord, j’ai effectivement été le seul responsable d’une organisation humanitaire à me rendre à Gaza pendant la guerre comme je l’ai fait en 2006 au Liban. C’est important de se faire une impression à chaud de la réalité du terrain. Cela renforce aussi ma crédibilité lorsque je m’entretiens ensuite avec les autorités à Tel-Aviv et à Ramallah. La situation humanitaire à Gaza était extrêmement grave. Dans les autres hôpitaux que j’ai visités en temps de guerre, je n’ai pas vu comme à Gaza des blessures qui provenaient quasiment uniquement d’armes lourdes. Les chiffres, c’est une chose vous savez, mais quand on voit tant de civils, tant de femmes et d’enfants mutilés, tant d’amputations et de blessures à la tête, cela fait très mal. Il y a eu un très gros problème de coût humain dans ce contexte-là .
– Constatez-vous une violation flagrante du Droit international humanitaire (DIH)?
Comme vous le savez nous ne faisons pas ce genre de déclarations. Nous avons entrepris des démarches pour le respect du DIH. Trois points ont été soulevés: l’évacuation des blessés qui devait être permanente et non réduite à trois heures quotidiennes, la distinction entre combattants et civils, enfin la proportionnalité de l’usage de la force. Même si vous avez la volonté de respecter ces deux dernières règles, c’est très difficile si vous utilisez des armes si lourdes dans une zone d’une telle densité de population. Pour prendre un point de comparaison, la densité de population à Gaza est trois fois plus dense que dans le quartier de Manhattan à New York. Dans ces circonstances, le modus operandi militaire choisi pose un sérieux problème.
– Et quelle est la situation aujourd’hui à Gaza?
Il y a des besoins humanitaires d’urgence et des besoins importants de réhabilitation d’infrastructures. Mais il faut s’attaquer sérieusement à la question de Gaza. Il faut commencer par lever l’embargo et cesser d’isoler Gaza du monde. Il faut que la population puisse travailler. J’ai un vrai souci: tout le monde se concentre sur l’action humanitaire aujourd’hui. Mais je ne suis plus prêt à limiter mon discours à l’humanitaire. Toutes ces discussions sur l’action humanitaire ne doivent pas servir, comme j’en ai peur, à évacuer les questions politiques difficiles. Avec tout ce que j’ai vu, je me demande combien de morts, de mutilés et d’invalides, dont tant de civils, il faudra encore avant qu’on ait compris qu’il n’y a pas d’alternative à un processus de paix honnête et sincère. Un processus qui doit inclure tous les Etats et groupes armés qui ont une influence dans cette situation.
- Report from Spiegel Online, detailing the Italian government's idea to build a large detention facility on the island of Lampedusa to hold illegal immigrants prior to their deportation. The Lampedusans are upset and fear that this will kill their tourist industry...
One assumes that Spiegel Online meant to say "interned" and not "interred."
Interred: 1. To place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury. 2. Obsolete. to put into the earth.
Interned: To confine, especially in wartime.
Stimulus update II...
Monday, February 2, 2009
King of kings
This week he showed up at the meeting of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, accompanied by royalty (including His Highness Iguru G. Solomon of the Bunyoro kingdom, Queen Best Kamugisha, Mother of the Toro kingdom and King Tossoh Gbaguidi of Benin). and clutching a four foot gold staff... and was promptly elected chairman of the African Union. This was hailed by his royal entourage: "On behalf of the traditional kings, on behalf of all the sultans, on behalf of all the princes, on behalf of all the customary rulers, I want to say thank you to the King of Kings who we have now crowned," declared King Tossoh Gbaguidi of Benin. Gaddafi pledge to create a "United States of Africa."
Gaddafi: Africa's 'king of kings'
Gaddafi stages another first as meeting opens in Addis
Gaddafi vows to push Africa unity
Africa: Libyan President Elected As New AU Chairman