“While customers are calling, we are just operating on a limited basis. Unfortunately, out of 100 girls, there are a few whose whereabouts we cannot confirm. I just wanted to reassure them by opening the office to offer them a place to stay if they had lost homes.”
« Nos concurrents vont peut-être devoir fermer mais nous ne pouvons laisser éteindre toutes les lumières de Sendaï » ("Our competitors might close but we couldn't allow all of Sendai's lights to be extinguished")
- Managers of two of Sendai's 'deri heru' - "delivery health" clubs i.e. sex-service clubs, apparently motivated (cough!) by concern for their employees and for the town! Before the devastation of the earthquake/tsunami, Sendai's red-light district was the home for over 3,000 bars, restaurants, and sex clubs...
Sendai vu par un tabloïd japonais
Sendai’s sex-service clubs struggle to survive after earthquake
« Nos concurrents vont peut-être devoir fermer mais nous ne pouvons laisser éteindre toutes les lumières de Sendaï » ("Our competitors might close but we couldn't allow all of Sendai's lights to be extinguished")
- Managers of two of Sendai's 'deri heru' - "delivery health" clubs i.e. sex-service clubs, apparently motivated (cough!) by concern for their employees and for the town! Before the devastation of the earthquake/tsunami, Sendai's red-light district was the home for over 3,000 bars, restaurants, and sex clubs...
Sendai vu par un tabloïd japonais
Sendai’s sex-service clubs struggle to survive after earthquake
Note the use of the QR code, which decodes to their mobile site:

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