Previous barcode-related blog entries:
Barcode happiness - II - Apr 11th, 2010
Barcode happiness - I - Apr 11th, 2010
Misc update - Jan 30th, 2010
Barcode update - Dec 29th, 2009
No luck - Dec 15th, 2009
QR codes to hit the U.S.? - Dec 13th, 2009
Misc. update (BB/2D barcodes) - Aug 22nd, 2009
QR update - May 19th, 2009
BB & 2D barcodes - Apr 21st, 2009
I. Verizon Wireless hooks up with ScanBuy to tout its ScanLife reader software... "...Verizon Wireless said today its customers can get one-click access to product information, including application downloads, consumer reviews and more, using ScanLife, a free downloadable app found on more than 30 devices. The new technology from Scanbuy, Inc. makes it easier than ever for customers to access information by using their camera phones to take pictures or scan barcodes on certain products. The app reads two-dimensional barcodes commonly found in magazines, outdoor advertising and UPC codes found on product packaging..."
See: Free 2D barcode pleasure for Verizon Wireless customers
See: Free 2D barcode pleasure for Verizon Wireless customers
II. AccuLink, a marketing and technology company, touts its "Mobile Marketing" which leverages its customers' / consumers' mobile phones and 2D QR codes to enhance marketing communications. It also provides an online B2vCard application, "... turns your business card into a vCard, no typing required! B2vCard combines your personal business card into a unique 2D Barcode that, when scanned by a mobile device, transfers your contact information to the device's address book ..." Fill out your details online and get business cards with a QR code. When you pass this out the recipient can take a picture of the code (assuming of course that they have ScanLife or another QR-reading application installed on their smartphone), and presto, the vcard is on their phone and populates an entry in their contacts... (Note: in actuality the QR code points the reader to a link with the vcard, this so that if you have a change in information e.g. e-mail address, you can update your on-line profile without having to pay to print a new batch of cards...)

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