The Tunnel Kings of Gaza - "... Gasoline, rice, light bulbs, Viagra, even brides: most things can be smuggled into the closed-off Gaza Strip through tunnels dug under the Egyptian border. Entrepreneur smugglers make a fortune from the region's economic crisis -- but it can be a deadly business for the tunnel diggers... Some 750 tunnels have been dug under the border. The figure is known pretty exactly because the Rafah town council decided it wanted a piece of the action and last month forced all the tunnelers to register and start paying a tax of €2,000 per tunnel per year ..."
Note: the 'Unbelievable' post from August 10th noted that the animals (including the lions!) in Gaza's 'Heaven of Birds and Animals' zoo had all been smuggled into the Gaza Strip via these tunnels...
Note: the 'Unbelievable' post from August 10th noted that the animals (including the lions!) in Gaza's 'Heaven of Birds and Animals' zoo had all been smuggled into the Gaza Strip via these tunnels...
In pictures: Gaza's tunnel smugglers (photos)
The secret tunnels of Gaza (short video)
Gaza Tunnel Smuggling (photos)
In pictures: Tunnels under Gaza (photos)
Underground cattle trade thrives in Gaza tunnels