Saturday, April 12, 2008

Some Updates...

The March blog entries above discussed the situation in Iraq. On April 8th General Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker made the rounds of Capitol Hill to testify re the same. The following links provide information re their appearances:

Petraeus Recommends Troop Pause
If You Missed Today's Testimony...
Some Thoughts on the Petraeus Hearings - tongue in cheek, but oh so true!
The Limits of the Surge (SWJ’s comprehensive collection of links re “Petraeus/Crocker”)
The Best and Worst Of Congressional Theater - a look at the Senate side of the Petraeus/Crocker hearings by Winslow Wheeler. "World's most deliberative body", yeah right... (For an older parody of the Senate from 2002 see The Chamber)

The ANWR Oil… blog entry from March wondered if the estimates of the amount of oil available in the ANWR 1002 area had been refined given improvements in technology and the escalating price of oil. Recently there have been breathless reports on the web of up to 200 billion barrels of oil being found in the Bakken formation, and of the American “energy independence” that would result from this find. Publius Maximus has a round up and debunking: Euphoria About the Bakken Formation.

The United States Geological Survey estimate came in at a mean estimate of 3.65 billion barrels of technically available oil reserves, along with large reserves of natural gas. USGS Press Release.

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