Nouvelle provocation de la droite populiste en Suisse:
L'UDC, le parti de droite populiste suisse, notoirement xénophobe, a avoué vendredi être à l'origine d'une mystérieuse campagne publicitaire assimilant Roumains et Italiens à des rats grignotant un fromage helvétique, qui provoque depuis plusieurs jours un scandale dans le Tessin (sud).
La soixantaine d'affiches placardées depuis lundi dans le canton frontalier de l'Italie montrent trois rats à la mine patibulaire, représentant Bogdan, un voleur roumain, Fabrizio, un carreleur italien, ainsi qu'un certain Giulio, avocat qui n'est autre que le ministre italien des Finances, Giulio Tremonti. Avec cette nouvelle campagne, l'UDC entend dénoncer - en substance - l'«invasion» de plus de 40.000 travailleurs frontaliers italiens dans le Tessin ainsi que «la criminalité importée».
The notoriously xenophobic UDC (party) admitted being behind a mysterious ad campaign that is scandalizing the south. On it (the campaign) you see an Italian and a Romanian - represented by rats - nibbling on a Swiss cheese.
The UDC, the notoriously xenophobic, right-wing populist Swiss party, admitted Friday being at the origin of a mysterious advertising campaign likening Italians and Romanians to rats nibbling at a Swiss cheese, which has been causing a scandal for several days in (the canton of ) Ticino (south).
Around sixty posters plastered since Monday in the canton that borders Italy show three sinister-looking rats, representing Bogdan, a Romanian thief, Fabrizio, an Italian tile-layer, and a certain Giulio, a lawyer who turns out to be is none other than Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti. With this new campaign, the SVP intends to attack the "invasion" of the more than 40,000 Italians who cross the border to work in Ticino, as well as "imported criminality."
Lire la suite... Read the rest.
Note: The SVP/CDU (Schweizerische Volkspartei, or Swiss People's Party, also known as L'Union Démocratique du Centre, the Democratic Union of the Center) is the same group that became notorious for its posters in favor of the anti-minaret referendum that passed in Switzerland in November 2009, see the previous blog entry 'Direct democracy in action' for some of the posters they used...
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