... It is difficult to think of anyone who has worked harder or longer to realize the dreams of the Palestinian people than President Mahmoud Abbas... He is a champion for the people and he is a champion for peace...
... New businesses are opening. More than 100 new companies were registered in the West Bank in August alone – everything from venture capital funds to local hardware stores. As a result, more and more Palestinians are finding jobs. Tourists and business travelers are arriving every day to take advantage of the improved security and economic climate...
... Last week alone, consistent with the Palestinian Authority’s focus on addressing water and electricity needs, more than 1,000 truckloads entered Gaza with food and goods like steel bars and cement to modernize the Gaza City waste water treatment plant, and electricity poles to upgrade power distribution..
... I cannot stand here tonight and tell you there is some magic formula that I have discovered that will break through the current impasse. But I can tell you we are working every day, sometimes every hour, to create the conditions for negotiations to continue and succeed...
... But I do know also that the future holds the possibility of progress, if not in our lifetimes then certainly in our children’s...
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Remarks To the American Task Force on Palestine
Ah, that hard working man of peace, Abu Mazen! A "champion" no less, who has revitalized the West Bank's tourism industry! Abu Mazen and the PA are also re-building Gaza, and recently a stupendous 1,000 trucks a week entered Gaza with needed goods. Gasp, one thousand trucks in just one week! Now it's true that this number is up about 80% since June of this year, but remember the level in June of 2007 was approximately 1,300 trucks a week, and in 2005 it was approximately 700 a day.... But, no worry, the administration is working very hard for peace, "sometimes every hour." At this rate peace will certainly arrive within our children's lifetimes, coincidentally along with the possible elimination of nuclear weapons....
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